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In 1995, we opened a new facility in Montgat (Barcelona), which have absorbed progressively freeze all activity in the group of companies. These facilities are designed with the latest technology applied to manufacture computer controlled processes and highly mechanized, cryogenic freezing technology to get the best results and ensure all our obsession manufacturing process, which is quality.
Right now we have three production lines at full capacity: Precooked Bread Line: with a production of 20 tons daily bread, 5,800 tons / year. Frozen Bollería line: with a production of 12 tons a day, 3,500 tons / year. Pastry line: with a production of 3 tons / d, 875 tons / year.
All production is manufactured daily, is stored in our freezing chamber capacity of 10,000 M3 until our quality control authorizes its release.
Información básica sobre protección de datos
Responsable del tratamiento:Integraciones Panaderas SL +info
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Destinatarios: La empresa responsable del tratamiento y las vinculadas a la misma ya sea para la gestión de los datos, o para la comercialización y la fabricación del producto y sus diferentes estadios administrativos y de comercialización. +info
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